Welcome back!
After a long break, I’m excited to relaunch this newsletter, now under a new name: salt air.
The idea behind this newsletter, and in particular the new iteration of this newsletter (previously named Sundays are for baking), is a simple one. Mainly to cultivate and share joy - through beauty, art, and meaning.
That doesn’t mean that every post will be happy and uplifting. Our goal is not to ignore the sober, grim, or unjust reality around us, but to navigate it.
I plan to post writing, photos, recipes, music, and more. I expect the contents of this newsletter to evolve as we go.
Subscribers, I’m glad you are here - and please share this newsletter with folks! As an independent writer, it means so much. If you’re new here - hi! I hope you will sign up for a free subscription!
Why “salt air”?
Lifelong beach baby 👋 - the ocean and the beach are my happiest place. As soon as I feel and smell salt air, I immediately feel happy, calm, energized, and at peace. It’s the combination of calm and energized I think I like the most. Everything good seems possible. This is the spirit behind this newsletter.
Will I still be posting recipes?
Yes! Baking will not be the main focus of this newsletter anymore, but I do anticipate sharing baking and cooking recipes and hopefully having some collaborations around this.
How often will I be posting?
Hopefully about once a month!
How can I support this newsletter?
Please subscribe! I’d love to connect with you, and I hope this newsletter brings you - a little of whatever you need.
Please share this newsletter! This goes a long way and I really appreciate it.
I hope to hear from you! Please like and comment. Also, feel free to let me know things you’d like to see in this newsletter or any topics you’d like me to write about.
Thanks for reading.
More soon!
If you’d like to contribute to this newsletter - be in touch! You can email saltairletter@substack.com and I will get back to you, or send me a message.
Follow along on instagram.